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Monday, April 27, 2015

Identity Crisis!

Well I already told you the story about my new name Sofia but now I´ve got one more...Hermana Baker...haha. Presidente Parreño ALWAYS calls me Hermana Baker. At first I just brushed it off and thought maybe there was a typo or something and he just was saying it how it was typed... nope. He thinks my name is Hermana Baker so just as a joke one day I put a sticky on my nametag to change my name...The worst part is it´s been 7 months of Hermana Baker and I feel like it´s just too late to correct him...oh well. 

Yo Soy Hermana Baker 

Can you believe I have been on my mission for 7 months!!! I FEEL SO OLD! It´s so weird. I feel like I have been here for years, but also like I got here like last week. I will never get used to this feeling. 

7 Months!

This week not a whole lot really happened so I will just tell you some funny mission stories...haha. So the Elders in our ward are always messing around and this week they decided to pull a prank on a newbie on p-day. They put black glue all over the floor in their bathroom and lit it on fire…so the smoke came off super black then they woke him up and told him the house was on fire and he ran from the house screaming...hahaha don´t worry Hermanas don´t do things that crazy.

We ate tacos on Friday for lunch it was so nice. Don´t get me wrong I like Argentina food but they have 7 things... 
1- Milanesa 
2- Empanadas
3- Tarta
4- Gieso 
5- Pasta
6- Asado
7- Pizza 

We eat one of the 7 every time we eat with members so it´s always nice to see a little variety. 

This week a volcano erupted in Chile and there was a ton of ash in the sky so we spent a lot of time bonding this week with the other Hermanas in the house. We played a lot of phase 10...It´s super funny to play games and speak in Spanish because it is just vocabulary that we don´t have...haha 

Thank you for all your love support and prayers!

Hermana BaRker


Some times I doubt the choices people here make. This is our neighbors car...They drive it all the time. The trunk is completely unattached...The other day when the took off it fell off...hahah 

Noche de Hogar con la familia Fuch!
(Family Home Evening with the Fuch Family) 

Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening)

Hermana Greene, Moria, Me & Michelle

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